Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One For the Ages

The 2011 Men's Little 500 race will go down as one of the most amazing displays of human performance put forth by 4 individuals and a slew of supporters that I may ever experience. This was a battle right from the start ranging from cheers from our fans to rowdy cries from haters! Zach Hetrick took some amazing photos that really capture the essence of the day better than any words I can put on here.
 During the prerace walkout by the teams we were greeted by some choice words from a select groups of haters (everyone in the stands it seemed like). Like true champions we shook it off and used it as fuel. I really like this above walkout photo taken by Z. Hetrick because it truly captures our team dynamic: a cluster of dudes who don't match, trust each other, and love riding our bikes.

Yours truly laying it down on a little burn out with Eric Anderson of Beta and Greg Bortz of Acacia in pursuit.
Legs were definitely feeling it toward the end of the day. Whenever the pedals weren't moving, my legs were locked up. A pain that I will never forget!

It's been a while since I updated this blog as I've been pretty busy celebrating alongside my teammates and coaches. Since that time I've had a little time to reflect on how this year has played out and everything that we all endured during this crazy adventure. Whether it be car accidents, roadtrips, winter training trips, IUCC racing, wrecking on the beach/wrecking on the track, quals, series events, the race, or the parties this team consisted of a group of guys that stuck together to accomplish the unthinkable. I'd take these crazy bastards to war with me and just like this entire year they would fight until they had absolutely nothing left.

As we head into the summer months I believe everyone will be dabbling in the race scene so it will be good to keep riding with these guys progress and around town before I set off on my next adventure wherever that road takes me. Wish I knew but sometimes that's the way life is.

Zach Osterman summed it up better than anyone and his thoughts are included here: IDS BLOG POST

After reading Zach's entry it makes it hard to believe that my cycling tenure with the Cutters is finished. It's been an amazing 3 years that included a lot of highs and just as many lows but throughout the entire time I fell in love with the sport of cycling, my teammates & coaches, the Cuttes family, and so many other things along the way. This team transformed me from a lost college student trying to find a niche to a badass, shit-talking veteren out on the track. It's funny to look back at the beginning and like an old teammate, Clayton Feldman, used to say, "Imagine if you could go back in time and go for a ride with yourself during the first month you were on the team?" I'd give anything to see that: a 215 lb ex-baseball player who was just trying to survive to the present 180 lb pulling at the front and breaking legs; amazing what a good supporting cast can do for someone eh? Next year behind the fence will be weird I won't lie to you but this race left an impression on me that I will take to the grave and I can only hope that I left the slightest impression it and more importantly, on my boys. Once a Cutter, Always a Cutter.
Last Little 500 set ever; about to put em in the hurt locker!
I bid farewell to the team called "The Cutters". It's been an amazing ride and one that I'll cherish forever with people I'll never forget! Thanks for all the memories to everyone involved!

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