Monday, April 11, 2011

IU Happenings

Little 500 week is upon us and one can definitely tell when attending class as they were about half full today and its only Monday. To my liking I've got 3 exams this week...what the hell? In my mind it should be damn near illegal to give exams this week but then again I don't really want them next week either due to the obscene amounts of liquid courage I plan on consuming.

LiL Wayne kicks off the festivities with a concert tomorrow night!
Who wouldn't love this face? As we were having our weekly team breakfast at the Bakehouse this morning we notice 5 large buses outside taking up an entire block of parking spaces. Then a very large black man came in and ordered a fluffy coffee drink and egg sandwich and ask the manager Tracy if she knew who LiL Wayne was. I wouldn't be surprised if she said no and I almost hope she did! Even better though was how impressed this guy was with the new construction at the bhizzle. He absolutely loved the new counter top that was made here in Bloomington by a local gal. I must admit I've sat up there at the old bar man of hours studying and the new one does look a million times better!

In other big news that gay Phi Delt music queer made another video describing the essence of Little 500 here at Indiana University. Ha. 1) the video is the worst thing I've seen in a while  2) it doesn't even hint at the real reason everyone is celebrating this week (the bike race)  and 3) he called out our team by spilling "shit" all over a cutters shirt. Those are fighting words where I come from. Here's a link to how IU spends this week supposedly; I'll let you decide about its integrity.

"iLL 5"

Here's how you shit on people Bryce Fox. Let your legs do the talking.

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