Thursday, April 7, 2011


I always get a good laugh out of the ridiculous things people post on blogs but BVN really topped itself this time. Not only did anonymous posting get taken care of but no I have a coach (who's roughly 60+ yrs old) telling me that I've got self-confidence issues and wait it gets better: that his mother could beat up my mother. What this has to do with cycling? I ask myself the same thing: Tom why are you such a goofy old man?

First off if anyone has any insight to the kind of person I am they'd be quick to tell you that I'm not suffering from any sort of self-confidence issues whatsoever. If anything I have an elevated self-esteem; maybe not Charlie Sheen level but definitely more than your average Joe. I can do anything and nothing is going to stop me from getting what I want its just that simple. Can I be cocky, yes but I strongly believe I can live up to my expectations!

Secondly I'd put some mad money on my mom beating some serious ass let alone that of Tom's mother, assuming she is still alive. RIP if not and God rest your soul for having to put up with Tom's shit. A little background of my mom. She grew up in Michigan and was the youngest of 7 children; that alone says she's a warrior having older brothers to deal with because I know the shit we put my sister through when she was younger. World class sprinter that used to beat up on all the sista's from Detroit! Go Tigers! And finally and most importantly she's like a grizzly bear. You fuck with her kids and she will rip your head off.

So Tom I'll be at the track the rest of the week if you've got anything else to say and upon completion of the race next Saturday when you suddenly don't have anyone to hang out with because the Sigma Chi guys don't want anything to do with you don't not bother coming to our Cutters party because you've been officially taken off the guest list. If you come you will be prompted to leave by none other than myself! If I'm feeling giddy I might give you a beer and a cookie for your lonely walk home.

Aside from being a complete asshole in the paragraphs above I want to leave you with one last note about me. I like to think of myself as a pretty nice and caring guy; that is, until you give me a reason to hate you. So Tom, hope you have fun chasing your dream because here in a few short days I fully plan on unleashing the biggest ass-kicking ever seen in the history of this silly little bike race.

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